發信人: Tsengkt (收心) 看板: math86 日期: Tue Apr 18 01:21:59 2000 標題: [轉貼] 地位夠高再說 A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day. 一隻烏鴉坐在一棵樹上、整天無所事事地啥也不幹… A small rabbit saw the crow, and asked him, 一隻小兔子看見了、便問烏鴉說… "Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?" 我能不能也像您一樣坐著、整天無所事事地啥也不幹? The crow answered:"Sure, why not." 烏鴉回答說:「可以啊、怎麼不成。」 So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested. 於是呢,小兔子便坐在烏鴉底下的草地上、休息睡覺… All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it. 突然間,一隻狐狸出現了、撲在小兔子身上、並且把牠吃掉了… Moral of the story is: 這故事告訴我們… To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up. 當你想要坐著啥事也不幹的時候,你必須坐得非常、非常之高才可以… -- 這麼晚還不睡覺、我真是歹命啊… -- 紛紛擾擾這世間 風風雨雨幾多年 是是非非隨人言 生生世世到永遠 年年月月又天天 反反覆覆難成眠 冷冷清清在海邊 尋尋覓覓妳的臉  -- * Origin: 中山大學 West BBS-西子灣站 * From: [已通過認證]