發信人: Nekria (lalalala) 看板: math86 日期: Sun Oct 15 23:06:44 2000 標題: Re: 國尊學長生日快樂喔.. ==> nawusica (要會照顧自己..) 的文章中提到: >呵呵.... >差點錯過了... >趕快來祝學長生日快樂.... >也祝學長的論文趕快生出來喔... >呵呵... > 學長生日快樂喔 祝 學長早點死會 下次帶個學嫂來家聚呦 :P --  "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gaze into you..." -Friedricb Nietzscbe  -- * Origin: 中山大學 West BBS-西子灣站 * From: [已通過認證]