發信人: December (該死的英國文學) 看板: math86 日期: Thu Nov 30 20:08:51 2000 標題: Saint Cat Actually speaking, I shouldn't be too surprised. As you know, everyone may encounter a cat for numbrous times in his life, and without paying any attention to it. That afternoon, I took a long walk in the small park near my house and when I decided to return, I met a cat. With his brown hair flying in the air, the cat that laid on the ground caught my eye. Wierdly, while I was observing him, he opened his eyes and looked at me "interestedly." I almost forgot he was a cat! Would a cat have that kind of motion?? I must be too hungry to identify a cat, I teased myself. I didn't think too much and wanted to go back. "Hello!" I heard the voice, and searched for it but in vain. There were just the cat and me. "I'm here,girl! Look down!" I was sure that I really heard the freak sound again, so I looked around and still found nothing except the cat. I stared at him frightenly and doubted if I had a illusion. "Oh, come on! You human beings always refuse to face the truth!" He was speaking! He was speaking to me!! "Let me introduse myself. I am Saint Cat, who came from Carsalonga the magic city." Then, I..................... -- * Origin: 中山大學 West BBS-西子灣站 * From: [已通過認證]