發信人: Tsengkt (收心) 看板: math86 日期: Sat Jan 20 11:34:27 2001 標題: [歌詞] Leaving On a Jet Plane 因為寫不出東西來、又討厭看著毫無進帳的版面… 所以拿歌詞來灌灌水,中文歌名叫「乘噴射機而去」… 趁著我還沒乘噴射機回家之前、先拿來貼貼… == LEAVING ON A JET PLANE Lyrics:John Denver Music:John Denver All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go, I'm standing here outside your door, I hate to wake you up to say good-bye. But the dawn is breakin', It's early morn, The taxi's waitin' He's blowin' his horn, Already I'm so lonesome I could die. So kiss me and smile for me, Tell me that you'll wait for me, Hold me like you'll never let me go. 'Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane, Don't know when I'll be back again, Oh, babe, I hate to go. There's so many times I've let you down So many times I've played around, I tell you now they don't mean a thing. Ev'ry place I go I'll think of you, Ev'ry song I sing I'll sing for you, When I come back I'll bring your wedding ring. So kiss me and smile for me, Tell me that you'll wait for me, Hold me like you'll never let me go. 'Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane, Don't know when I'll be back again, Oh, babe, I hate to go. Now the time has come to leave you, One more time let me kiss you, Then close your eyes I'll be on my way. Dream about the days to come When I won't have to leave alone, About the times I won't have to say: Kiss me and smile for me. Tell me that you'll wait for me, Hold me like you'll never let me go. 'Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane, Don't know when I'll be back again, Oh, babe, I hate to go. I'm leavin' on a jet plane, Don't know when I'll be back again, Oh, babe, I hate to go. == 另外有一首英文老歌、叫「Love Will Keep Us Together」… 我找了好久也找不到它歌詞的、有誰知道的話、就幫我看看吧,^_^ -- 紛紛擾擾這世間 風風雨雨幾多年 是是非非隨人言 生生世世到永遠 年年月月又天天 反反覆覆難成眠 冷冷清清在海邊 尋尋覓覓妳的臉  -- * Origin: 中山大學 West BBS-西子灣站 * From: [已通過認證]