發信人: nillis (想看綁馬尾的人) 看板: math86 日期: Sat May 5 00:45:22 2001 標題: Re: 我找到工作了 來源: 中山大學 West BBS-西子灣站 WEB-BBS ==> licorne (阿哲) 的文章中提到: >我現在在高雄友立資訊工作,找到房子之後就住在高雄了, >有機會大家找個時間出來聚一下吧。 >現在的e-mail:yangmc@kcg.url.com.tw or > WilliamYang@ulead.com.tw >上班時間可以打:07-5363377轉7722 Congraution ,some of our classmates find their job in TPE. But I think it's a little tired to work far from their home. If u have time ,just come here to get together and chat like before. If u need anything in TPE. just call me anytime wehn u come here. -- * Origin: 中山大學 West BBS-西子灣站 * From: [已通過認證]